Tuesday 21 October 2014

Group mates

We all have to work in groups, so everyone should be familiar with this one.

Horrible group mates.

Need I elaborate?

So I have to work in many different groups. Some groups are a joy to work with. Whereas others have monsters inside. I would like to focus on the groups which are satanic in this post, particularly two of my many groups. I'm gonna refer to them as group A and B.

Group A:
7 people
Group A is mildly fun and extremely extremely horrible at times. There is one particular guy who is slightly older than the rest of us. Hence, by seniority, he was 'elected' to be a leader of our group. However, he has a horrible personality, poor leadership skills, and he is just not a nice person in general. Worse still, he has something against me. Due to my deemed 'bimbotic' nature, even though it's just the way I speak and the way I act, he hates me to the core. Disclaimer: I DO NOT think like a bimbo. So anyway, he created this whatsapp group. Hence, only he can add or kick people out of the group. And guess what!! HE KEPT ON KICKING ME OUT OF THE DAMN WHATSAPP GROUP THINKING THAT IT IS HILARIOUS. And he's like: UNLIMITED POWERRRRRR MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Goodness... HAHAHAmyass. How can we get any serious work done. And he is super duper hard-headed. So nothing you say will get to him. Arrogant. There are 3 other guys in my group. 2 of them insist that i did nothing for the group and wanted me to do more. INCLUDING A 2-HOUR TRANSCRIPT. Mind you, that will take about 4 hours to complete. We have 7 people in the group. Common sense tell them to leave the whole 2-hour long interview to ONE girl????? Wow. While splitting the workload amongst the group members for one of our reports, one guy kept saying, 'so we have 6 members'. Reminder: We have SEVEN. Either he's trying to piss me off, or he failed horribly at kindergarten math. I think it's both. The 2 other girls in my group are alright I guess. BUT THE GUYS... Dicks.

Group B:
5 member
Okay this group, THERE'S JUST THAT ONE GIRL WHO IS BAD. The rest of the members, thankfully alright. This monster is totally unreasonable. So I was told to do the slides. For. My. Entire. Group. But it's alright, I'll do it. So everyone's slides turn out alright. But my ow slides have a little problem. And then the monster girl was like, 'omg... you have an entire week to correct that mistake and you did nothing about it...' ERM NEWSFLASH GIRL! Number 1, I did not know there was a mistake. Number 2, out of the 50 slides I did, only one had a problem. Why can't you just tell me nicely that oh, there's something wrong with this slide. Seriously??? What has law school taught you, girl. That is not all. Second incident happened when she wanted me to add in additional info into the slides. To do that, I, just me, have to first RESEARCH, then CONSOLIDATE, then THINK ABOUT HOW TO ARRANGE IT ONTO THE SLIDE, then finally, PUT IT DOWN ON THE SLIDE. So 5 minutes after telling me to add the additional info, she asked me, 'So, are you done?' And I was like WHAT.... Girl, you think I'm super girl or something?!?!? AND YA KNOW WHAT SHE SAID!!!! She said, 'Wow, you have an entire week to do it, and you're still not done? Okay, I'll give you 5 more minutes.' And I was like WHATTTTTT again. ERM NEWSFLASH AGAIN GIRL! First, I did not have an entire week to do it cause you JUST told me to do it. And secondly, TEN MINUTES TO DO IT?!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! ARE YOU???? OMG. The nerves of some people. Unbelievable.


That's all I'll complain about. Not like I even have time to write out this BRIEF complain (cause actually there's more). Now time to go back and do the never-ending work for group A.

Thursday 16 October 2014

The Taxi Driver

Our first post is about a taxi driver.

I met this taxi driver today rushing to one of my classes. Normally I don't really take cab because I am a very poor girl that spends most of whatever money I have/earn almost immediately after I receive it. I suppose that's mainly why I run out of money for transportation most of the time. Anyway, I guess I usually like most taxi drivers, but this taxi driver was really. Horrible. Like. HORRIBLE.

So the Queen helped me download the uber app earlier today but I figured that I might as well go down to the taxi bay in case there was any taxi waiting. And just my luck, there really was a taxi!

So I happily asked the uncle if he knew how to go to my class, showing him the address. He immediately started agreeing. Then I asked if he accepted nets, which he didn't. And the very super duper broke moi decided to just forget it and  run off into the night  to find another cab that would understand me better. And accept nets. But no, he started saying as long as I had $10 it's okay.

So fine. I boarded.

This is what happened next:

  1. The taxi driver stopped at a traffic light and demanded for my $10 immediately, not waiting for the metre to run
  2. The taxi driver drove me to Duxton Hill instead of Dickson Road as was clearly stated earlier (do note that he read the freaking address and still managed to send me to the wrong place anyways).
  3. He wanted to refund me and naturally I assumed he was gonna refund me and send me to the right place, aka DICKSON ROAD and not DUXTON HILL. Or at least he'd bring me back to Clarke Quey. So after returning me $7 I decided to be nice and say keep the change, since I thought that he would have at least that amount of human decency and wouldn't strand me in the middle of nowhere like that. BUT NO.
  4. He said thank you for the $3 and I thought we would be going off again. Buuuuuuut. He sort of gestured for me to get out of the car. Wth. So I decided to hell with this dickhole and I told him to return me my $3, which he thankfully (and grudgingly) did.
  5. But he left me stranded at Duxton Hill regardless. And apparently no taxis take nets???!???!??!!?!??!?!?! Because I asked so many taxis if they had nets???????? And they said no???????? (And many of the taxi drivers were really rude so ughhhhhhh)
  6. So I gave up and used uber instead. Thank God for the Queen and uber.
  7. And the uber uncle is nice!
  8. But I ended up an hour late for lesson ):
Anyway, moral of the story is: 


What we do

Basically, we are designed and made in Singapore. So we are doing what we do best (by stereotype), which is complain. Yes, that's right. So if there's anything you want us to complain about, feel free to tell us. We can, and we will, complain about it.